
US Reportedly Shared Intel Maps With European Allies Showing Alleged 'Buildup' of Russian Troops

US-Russian tensions were recently kicked up a notch after accusations of a planned military invasion of Ukraine were made against Russia, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealing that he had expressed concern over the allegations with European partners. The unsubstantiated claims have been consistently rejected by the Kremlin.
American officials have reportedly shared intelligence with European allies that includes a map outlining an alleged Russian troop "buildup" near the Ukrainian border, a Bloomberg exclusive has detailed.
The weekend report indicates that the relayed intelligence information also shows the location of munition reserves purportedly meant to be used as part of a "rapid, large-scale push into Ukraine from multiple locations if [Russian] President Vladimir Putin decided to invade."
One scenario reportedly outlined by the American intel paints Russian troops allegedly attempting to enter Ukraine through Crimea, the Russian border and through Belarus, which is currently in the midst of its own migrant crisis with Poland.
The same scenario also suggests the use of "about 100 battalion tactical groups" that would amount to some 100,000 soldiers.

"Two of the people said about half that number of tactical groups was already in position and that any invasion would be backed up by air support," the report reads, before noting two sources with claims that "Moscow had also called up tens of thousands of reservists."

Unsubstantiated claims that Russia is engaging in a disinformation campaign against Ukraine were also noted in the report.
Citing individuals with knowledge of the development, Bloomberg detailed that the information was forwarded by the Biden administration to "some" NATO members over the last week as a means of proving that Russia is in the midst of plotting an invasion against Ukraine sometime within the next year.
The report is the latest in a series of accusations made against Russia, which has repeatedly rejected any assertion that it is planning an invasion. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov most recently lashed out at the allegations, saying earlier that "this hysteria is being whipped up artificially."
"Those who bring their armed forces overseas now accuse us of some 'unusual military activity' on our own territory," Peskov said, in reference to the US. The official later slammed the NATO alliance and warned it against providing Ukraine with modern weaponry.

"Ukraine is most likely seeking to make another attempt at resolving its own problem through military means; create another disaster for themselves and for everyone in Europe," Peskov said.

"This is what Ukraine is striving for. And it is trying to achieve this, most likely, under the cover of those very NATO exercises [near Russia's borders], NATO ships in the Black Sea - US, British soldiers in the region, of which there are more and more."

Both the weekend report and Peskov's commentary came on the heels of remarks from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that underscored his so-called "concerns" regarding growing reports of a Russian "buildup" along the Ukrainian border.
Blinken's comments surfaced days after Gen. Mark Milley, who serves as the US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters that he sees no indication that Russia is planning a military invasion.