
Deployment of Western Advisers in Ukraine Would Fuel Tensions, Kremlin Warns

Western military aid to Ukraine comes in light of reports claiming that Moscow is allegedly planning to "invade" the neighbouring country - something that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has already blasted as "absurd".
The decision of Western countries to send military advisers to Ukraine could potentially lead to an escalation of tensions, Dmitry Peskov warned on Tuesday.

"The sending of military advisers and weapons to Ukraine should not be ruled out, because this is what's happening. Military advisers arrive there, weapons systems come there not only from the United States but also from other NATO countries. And all this, of course, leads to further escalation on the line of contact," Peskov told reporters.

The Kremlin spokesman also highlighted the urgency of Kyiv implementing the Minsk agreements, while also expressing concerns about Ukrainian military activity "on the line of contact".

"We are deeply concerned about the provocative actions of the Ukrainian armed forces on the line of contact and preparations for a possible military solution, an attempt to resolve the Donbass problem by force," Peskov said, noting that nothing provocative has been done by the Donbass republics in the region.

As media reports ramp up claims that Russia is preparing an "invasion" of Ukraine, Peskov slammed the allegations as baseless and "absurd", repeatedly underlining that Moscow has no plans to attack anyone.

"Russia is not making any aggressive plans. And it is completely wrong to say otherwise. And it is completely wrong to associate any movements of the Russian armed forces across the territory of our country with such plans. This is not true," the Kremlin spokesman stressed.

Multiple reports by Western media outlets in regard to the alleged "invasion" have been characterised by Peskov as a targeted information campaign, the goal of which is specifically to raise tensions in the region, while NATO is aiding the Ukrainian military, sending "a significant amount of weapons, including modern, high-tech weapons".
Kyiv, in turn, continues to justify the strengthening of its military with the pretext of Russian forces increasing their combat readiness and carrying out large-scale exercises. The United States also weighed in to fuel the concerns and "call on Moscow to de-escalate tensions", expressing worries over Russia's "military activities and harsh rhetoric towards Ukraine".
Reports about Washington considering a lethal aid package to Ukraine amid "Russian invasion" allegations emerged earlier on Tuesday. According to CNN, the Biden administration is mulling the deployment of military advisers and new equipment, including weaponry, to Ukraine.