Roger Stone Calls FBI 'Biden's Personal Gestapo' While Speaking of Jan. 6 Committee Subpoena

Stone was convicted in 2019 for procedural violations related to the infamous Russiagate investigation. Trump shortened his sentence to 40 months in prison in July 2020, just days before he had to surrender himself, and then pardoned him in December 2020.
The FBI has become President Biden's "personal Gestapo," according to Roger Stone, a longtime political adviser to former President Donald Trump, who also called the subpoena he received from the House committee probing the January 6 Capitol Hill events "harassment."
During a Sunday appearance on John Catsimatidis' radio show, he discussed with the host the recently issued subpoena and the investigation, slamming Congress for having "a lot of turkeys" in an apparent reference to pardons.
Stone spoke about the raids the FBI conducted while investigating some of the more prominent Trump supporters, including himself.

"We have a group of politicized thugs​ ​at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo​," he said of the federal investigative agency.

He also questioned the FBI's decision to investigate the house of Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe as part of an inquiry into the theft of Biden's daughter Ashley's diary before the 2020 election.
The contents of the diary were not published by Project Veritas, but the National File blog published handwritten pages from it roughly a week before the election.

"If a journalist has [Biden’s] daughter’s diary,​ ​particularly if the journalist hasn’t even published it, or commented on it, why would you search their home? Why would you seize their​ ​computers? It’s very chilling​," Stone said. ​

Speaking about the subpoena, Stone said that it was his second time being questioned by the House, thus he has "been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and the pardon."
Stone added that he was not going to make a decision on the subpoena until December 17, the deadline provided by the House Committee. The former political adviser claimed he is being used as "clickbait for the far-left" by the committee because he was not involved in the tragic events on Capitol Hill.
Jan. 6 Panel Subpoenas Roger Stone, Alex Jones Over Participation in 'Stop the Steal' Rally
He accused the January 6 committee of using subpoenas as "press releases."
"I immediately began thinking how many of my ‘Roger Stone Still Did Nothing Wrong’ T-shirts can I sell to raise the money for my legal defense. … This is epically expensive. I’ve gotten 11 harassment civil suits against me — all baseless, unsubstantiated, but tremendously sensationalized — dismissed," Stone said.
The political activist said he "still got six to go, not to mention new level of harassment," by Congress.
"They put enormous financial pressure on you, and they seek to write … a subpoena as if it’s a press release,” Stone said, asking rhetorically. "Isn’t it interesting that they released the subpoena on me to the press before my lawyers even received it and had a chance to read it. What’s that about?”
Earlier this month, in an interview with Radio Sputnik, Stone had something to say about the 2024 presidential election in the US, blasting Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis yet again for refusing to conduct an audit of the state's 2020 general election results. He added that DeSantis should focus on his home state and forgo any hopes of running for president in 2024.