China Releases Report on Ills of American Political System Before US-Hosted Summit on Democracy

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report on Sunday underlining the dysfunction of US democracy ahead of the so-called "Summit for Democracy", to be hosted by the United States later this month and had Taiwan but not China on the list of invited countries.

"Over the years, democracy in the US has become alienated and degenerated, and it has increasingly deviated from the essence of democracy and its original design. Problems like money politics, identity politics, wrangling between political parties, political polarisation, social division, racial tension, and wealth gap have become more acute. All this has weakened the functioning of democracy in the US", the ministry's report said.

The report underlined that US democracy has three main ills which include the system being fraught with deep-seated problems, the practices of US democracy being messy and chaotic and the disastrous consequences of the US democratic model when applied in other countries.
According to the ministry, the biggest problem that the US faces with its own democratic model is that it often uses democracy as a justification to interfere in other countries' internal affairs which leads to even more problems.

"What is now imperative for the US is to get to work in real earnest to ensure its people's democratic rights and improve its system of democracy instead of placing too much emphasis on procedural or formal democracy at the expense of substantive democracy and its outcome", the report concluded.

The ministry stressed the international community must unite as one and battle other more significant problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis.
Washington invited 110 counties to participate in the summit with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and a dozen other states not invited. Most eyecatching was the inclusion of Taiwan, which China sees as a breakaway province, on the list of invited countries, something Beijing blasted as a flouting of the One China policy.
The summit will be held virtually by US President Joe Biden on 9 and 10 December and will focus on the challenges faced by various democracies and their opportunities.