
US Intel Resorting to 'Unprecedented Sharing' to Convince EU of Russian 'Invasion' Plans in Ukraine

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States actively shared certain intelligence in order to convince the EU and NATO of Moscow's alleged plans to prepare an invasion of Ukraine, the Financial Times reports.
Officials told the newspaper on Sunday that the "unprecedented sharing" of US intelligence reports depicting Russian military deployments along the border helped convince previously sceptical European countries, including Germany, that Russia could "soon order its troops into Ukraine".

"Many allies were not convinced that serious things were happening", one official told the Financial Times. "We were surprised about this [intelligence] gap - how and why the US were seeing things that we were not seeing".

European defence and security officials told the newspaper that US President Joe Biden now has the backing of NATO and the EU for possible retaliatory measures against Russia. Biden plans to warn Russian President Vladimir Putin, during Tuesday's talks, against any aggressive action regarding Ukraine.
Over the past several weeks, Ukraine and some Western countries have expressed concern about the alleged increase in what they characterise as "aggressive actions" by Russia along the border. Russia has repeatedly refuted such allegations, with President Putin calling such statements "alarmist". Moscow also stated that it does not threaten any country and is not going to launch an attack against any nation.
US soldiers are pictured prior the beginning of the official welcoming ceremony of NATO troops in Orzysz, Poland, on April 13, 2017.
Biden plans to discuss the issue of Ukraine, as well as other topics, during the upcoming video call with Putin on Tuesday, 7 December.
The Russian Embassy in Washington said on Saturday in response to media speculations about Moscow's alleged plans for an invasion of Ukraine that Russia has the right to move its own troops within its territory.
The embassy emphasised that Washington needs to work on making Kiev adhere to the Minsk agreements.
On 23 November, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated that Russia does not have any aggressive plans regarding Ukraine. The Kremlin has also expressed concerns about Kiev having aggregated almost half of all its armed forces on the contact line with the Donbass region in the east of the country.