Joe Biden Blasted Online for Pushing Climate Agenda While Commenting on Deadly Storms in US

A swarm of storms has ravaged six states – Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee – killing at least 100 people. The storms have also resulted in widespread damage and left tens of thousands of people without power and water.
US President Joe Biden has been blasted for pushing his climate agenda while commenting on the deadly storms that hit the Southern and Midwestern United States late on Friday. The 79-year-old made the statement in Delaware, while speaking to reporters. POTUS was asked whether the severity of the storms had anything to do with climate change. Joe Biden said the following:

"All I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has some impacts as a consequence of the warming of the planet and climate change. The specific impact on these specific storms, I can't say at this point. I'm going to be asking the EPA [US Environmental Protection Agency] and others to take a look at that. The fact is that we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming. Everything. And obviously it has some impact here, but I can't give you a quantitative read on that".

His statement prompted a torrent of sarcastic and negative comments on social media, with many individuals doubting the connection between the two events.

Others criticised the Democrat for what they described as pushing his climate agenda during a tragedy.

Local media outlets say at least 30 tornadoes were reported across six different states during the storms. Netizens mocked Joe Biden for calling the weather events "hurricanes".

Others deemed that the Democrat was trying to find a scapegoat in order to deflect attention away from what they described as the government's mistakes.

Yet, there were those who backed the president's assessment.

Protection of the environment and dealing with the effects of climate change are some of the biggest priorities of the Biden administration. The White House plans to invest $7 trillion in clean energy and achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. According to the think tank Heritage Foundation, the latter point could cost the economy millions of jobs and thousands of dollars of lost income for families.
Biden, however, has insisted that the reforms will actually create jobs. During his presidential campaign, Biden said his plan regarding the environment would get millions of people into the clean energy sector.

"If executed strategically, our response to climate change can create more than 10 million well-paying jobs in the United States", read the Democrat's plan.

Around 100 people were killed in the United States after at least six states were hit by a swarm of storms late Friday. At least 6 Amazon employees died in Illinois after a roof of a warehouse collapsed. Some media outlets put the death toll at 12.
At least 70 people died after a candle factory collapsed in the state of Kentucky. Rescue teams are now searching through the rubble looking for survivors. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said it would be a miracle if emergency workers find anyone else alive as he announced that the death toll is likely to rise above 100. Relief efforts have been stymied by the storms having damaged and destroyed rescue team equipment.

According to CNN, over 400,000 homes and businesses lost power across six states. President Joe Biden said the government has allocated emergency funds for the affected states, while the agency FEMA will provide states with the necessary resources such as housing for people who've lost their homes.

"The federal government will do everything it can possibly do to help. We're going to get through this together", the Democrat said.
