Indian Gay Couple Breaks Stereotype by Tying the Knot Despite Same-Sex Marriage Being Illegal

In 2018, India's apex court decriminalised same-sex relationships by scrapping Section 377, which was a 158-year-old colonial law that criminalised consensual gay sex. However, same-sex marriages remain illegal in India.
The adage "love knows no boundaries" stands true in the case of an Indian gay couple who recently broke the stereotype by getting married with much fanfare in India's Hyderabad city.
At a time when same-sex marriages remain illegal in India, 34-year-old Abhay Dange and 31-year-old Supriyo Chakraborty exchanged rings and vows in a big fat wedding, held per Bengali and Punjabi rituals.
"Mehendi (a wedding ritual where Henna tattoo is being applied on bride's hands and feet) is always a woman-centric ceremony. We wanted to break that stereotype by holding the same for all the men at the venue", Chakraborty told Indian news daily Times of India.
Pictures of the gay couple have gone viral, winning netizens' hearts and garnering praises and best wishes.
Their story, which began eight years back after they first met on a dating app, has become the talk of the town as they opened up about it on the "Humans of Hyderabad" website.