Trump Asks SCOTUS to Look Into 6 Jan Panel Chair's WaPo Interview, Seeking to Block Records Release

The US House Select Committee investigating the 6 January Capitol riot has requested the release of Donald Trump's White House records. The former president, however, has argued that such requests lack legitimacy.
Donald Trump's attorneys have asked the Supreme Court to consider The Washington Post interview with 6 January panel chairman Benny Thompson, alleging that the Select Committee seeks to uncover evidence to come up with a criminal referral against the former president.
According to the court document filed by Trump's attorney, Jesse R. Binnall, the interview reveals that Thompson "admitted his goal of uncovering information that could result in a criminal referral to the Department of Justice".

"The Post quotes Chairman Thompson remarking: 'That dereliction of duty causes us real concern...And one of those concerns is that whether or not it was intentional, and whether or not that lack of attention for that longer period of time, would warrant a referral'", the document reads.

Trump's legal team believes that the 6 January panel is acting as "an inquisitorial tribunal seeking evidence of criminal activity" - something that is "outside of any of Congress' legislative powers", claiming that the investigation process is politicised.

"Now The Washington Post has confirmed what was already apparent—the committee is indeed seeking any excuse to refer a political rival for criminal charges, and they are using this investigation to do so", Binall writes to the Supreme Court.

Trump's White House records appear to be of great interest to the 6 January panel, since the committee believes the records will shed light on whether or not Trump's "delayed response" in asking the Capitol rioters to leave could be a factor calling for a criminal investigation.
The former president has blasted the efforts, asking the Supreme Court to halt the release of his White House records earlier in the month, claiming executive privilege.
On Wednesday, it was revealed that the panel had agreed to defer its request for some of Trump's records "as part of the accommodations process", but will continue to work in order to get access to all information it considers necessary for the investigation.
The Capitol riot probe has been slammed by Trump as a political witch hunt against him, and he branded the panel itself an "Unselect Committee". According to him, the panel is "highly partisan", as it only includes two Republicans - Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who Trump believes are "RINOs" ("Republicans in Name Only").