Apologies delivered by Boris Johnson on Wednesday over Downing Street's alleged "bring your own bottle" parties have not appeared to make matters any better for him. In fact, people ended up mocking what they dubbed his "half-apology", rolling out memes and cartoons rather than appreciating that their PM was "taking responsibility".
“When I went into that garden just after six on 20 May 2020, to thank groups of staff before going back into my office 25 minutes later to continue working, I believed implicitly that this was a work event," Johnson told the UK Parliament on Wednesday when delivering a speech about the party allegations, admitting there were "things we simply did not get right".
The speech poured fuel on the fire of public outrage that has erupted because of the scandal, with netizens mocking the "work event" remark and the way the Prime Minister "half-apologised".
One user has already turned Johnson's explanations into a funny parody video.
Another one drew a comparison with another embattled Briton - Prince Andrew, who has recently claimed that he has a condition which prevents him from sweating (during his legal battle with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, she alleged that the prince sweated on her at a London night-club).
One person even offered help for Downing Street officials - who might be confused about whether they are at work or at a party - by submitting a graph.
The "PartyGate" hashtag has assembled all allegations about parties at Number 10 at a time when the United Kingdom was under strict coronavirus lockdown. Apart from the purported May 2020 BYOB ["bring your own bottle"] party, there were reports suggesting that at least five gatherings took place in Downing Street and Whitehall in 2020 in breach of COVID-19 rules.
Already weathering a storm of political scandals, Boris Johnson faced calls to resign amid the "PartyGate" allegations, even from his fellow Conservatives, among whom are Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, Tory backbencher William Wragg, Conservative Caroline Nokes and many others.
As for himself, Johnson urged the public to wait until senior civil servant Sue Gray submits her report into the Downing Street party allegations and offers her conclusions.