
Police in Sudanese Capital Use Tear Gas on Protesters

KHARTOUM (Sputnik) - Sudanese police used tear gas against protesters in the Sudanese capital, eyewitnesses told Sputnik.

"Police threw tear gas grenades at protesters who were trying to enter the presidential palace in downtown Khartoum", the eyewitnesses said.

Protests against the military authorities are held weekly.
The press service of the Sudanese police reported the death of a police captain who "guarded the procession of demonstrators." The causes of death have not been given.
Sudan entered a political crisis after army chief, Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, arrested Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other government officials in October. Following the coup, protesters have taken to the streets demanding civilian rule. At least 60 people have since been killed in clashes with the military authorities.
Videos: Four Protesters Reportedly Shot by Soldiers at Sudan’s 11th ‘March of Millions’ Against Coup
In November, Burhan and Hamdok signed a political agreement stipulating the reinstatement of the prime minister in his duties, the release of all political prisoners arrested during the coup, and a transition of power to civilian rule at an earlier date. On January 2, Hamdok resigned due to the actions of the military, who violated the agreements within the political deal.