Here Comes the Sun: Corona Rolls Out Vitamin D-Enriched Alcohol-Free Beer

Many companies have suffered because of the coronavirus pandemic, but when it comes to a beer named Corona, one can only imagine how hard the past two years have been for the Mexican brand when it comes to marketing.
Corona has rolled out a new non-alcoholic beer, named 'Sunbrew' because it is replete with Vitamin D.
"Now you can embrace sunshine, anytime," the brand tweeted, underlining that its product is the world's "first non-alcoholic beer with Vitamin D".
The idea of developing such an unusual way of getting Vitamin D is said to have emerged three years ago, brought up to Corona's executives by David Miami, who ended up shooting a marketing clip for the beer.

"The journey was not easy, as Vitamin D is sensitive to oxygen and light, and not easily soluble in water," said Brad Weaver, global VP of innovation for AB InBev, the company that owns the Corona brand.

Known as the "sunshine vitamin", Vitamin D helps our body to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy, regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate. However, before delving into the new possibilities offered by the beer market, one should first consider taking the vitamin from oily fish, red meat, egg yolks and fortified foods such as fat spreads or breakfast cereals.
In the warm seasons (from late March to the end of September) people generally receive all the Vitamin D they need from sunlight. But health experts recommend adults to take supplements during the autumn and winter.