Houthis Slam Saudi Arabia, UAE for Bombing Residential Areas in Yemeni Capital

DOHA (Sputnik) - The human rights ministry of the Houthi movement has condemned Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for bombing residential areas in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, which killed 23 people.
On Monday evening, the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia announced a campaign in Sanaa in response to Houthi strikes against the UAE.
"The Arab coalition planes attacked conducted strikes against the Libby residential area in Sanaa. Twenty-three people died. They attacked homes of innocent civilians, [which is] another crime of the Saudi and Emirati regimes, which overwhelms all humanitarian principles and laws," the ministry said in a statement, as quoted by the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV channel.
The ministry urged humanitarian and human rights organizations to speak up about aggression against Yemen's civilians.
According to the broadcaster, five residential buildings were completely demolished and another ten damaged, with people still trapped under rubble.
Saudi-Led Coalition Launches Second Round of Military Strikes in Yemen - Report
The conflict between Yemeni government forces and the Houthis has gone on for over six years. The situation was further aggravated after the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia joined the conflict on the Yemeni government's side in 2015 and began conducting occasional air, land and sea operations against the Islamist rebel movement.