Biden Approval Rating at New Low After One Year in Office, Worse Than Trump's, Poll Shows

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - A record 56% of Americans say they disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance as he enters his second year in office, which makes the incumbent president less popular than his predecessor four years ago, a new Morning Consult poll said on Wednesday.
"Forty percent of voters approve of Biden’s job performance, while 56 percent disapprove, record lows and highs, respectively, from nearly 50 Morning Consult/Politico surveys conducted since he took office," the statement said.
The 40% approval rating is the lowest support for Biden since he became president a year ago. In January 2018, Donald Trump had a negative 45-50% approval rating. Yet Biden is performing slightly better than Trump when it comes to voters grading his handling of a range of issues during their first year.
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"Among the average independent voter, Biden received better marks than Trump did four years ago on health care, climate change and foreign relations, but underperformed his predecessor on jobs and the economy," the statement added.
The poll was conducted online among 2,005 registered voters from January 15-16 and has a margin of error of 2%.