Coffee Rallies 'Good Bacteria’ to Boost Digestion, May Fight Liver Diseases, Claims Study

Many people cannot conceive their morning without the ritual coffee “pick-me-up”. For all these coffee enthusiasts, their favoured beverage’s benefits have been outlined in a new study.
Coffee drinking can stimulate some digestive processes as well as have a protective effect against gallstones and liver diseases such as pancreatitis, according to a scientific review published in Nutrients, supported by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC).
Furthermore, moderate coffee consumption, defined by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as 3-5 cups per day, was shown not to have a harmful effect on the various organs of the digestive tract, according to a review of 194 research publications conducted by Astrid Nehlig, Ph.D., Emeritus Research Director at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM).
Coffee Could Help Prevent Chronic Liver Disease, Scientist Say
The darkly coloured, slightly acidic drink touted for its stimulating effect, primarily due to caffeine content, triggers the gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions, stated the review. The latter secretions are vital for the digestion of food.
Furthermore, the aromatic beverage - one of the most popular in the world - was found to stimulate production of the digestive hormone gastrin, and hydrochloric acid, present in gastric juice. These components are invaluable in helping break down food in the stomach.
Hot drink
Production of bile, also involved in digestion, is boosted by coffee as it stimulates the secretion of the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). Another boon that coffee appears to be associated with is positive changes in the composition of gut microbiota, according to the reviewed studies.
As for colon motility – the process that drives food through the digestive tract - reviewed data suggested coffee may stimulate it as much as cereals, and 60% more than a glass of water, thus aiding the alleviation of chronic constipation.
“Contrary to some assumptions, coffee consumption is not overall linked to bowel or digestive problems. In some instances, coffee has a protective effect against common digestive complaints such as constipation… Although additional data will be needed to understand coffee’s effects throughout the digestive tract, this is an extremely encouraging place to begin,” stated Astrid Nehlig.