5.5 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Tarapaca, Chile - EMSC

Chile has recently seen two moderate earthquakes on 7 and 13 January, with smaller tremors lower than 4.9 magnitude occurring nearly every day this month, mostly affecting the country’s coastline. Strong earthquakes also occurred here in September and November.
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake hit Tarapaca, Chile late on Thursday, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The tremors were recorded at a depth of about 96 kilometers.
EMSC, which initially put the magnitude at 5.8, later revised its report of the earthquake's intensity.
There have been no reports yet of possible damage or victims.
Chile is located in the zone of the Pacific belt or the so-called "Pacific ring," where increased seismic activity is regularly recorded.
Earlier, geologists explained that earthquakes in South America are caused by the Nazca oceanic plate that sinks under the continent at a speed of about 80 millimeters per year. The process caused in 1960 the most destructive earthquake in human history - a magnitude 9.5, 570 kilometers south of Santiago, Chile.
According to statistics, increased seismic activity has been observed approximately every 60–80 years in every region of central Chile.