Soros Bets on a Lame Horse

The reputation of Soros and his colossal investments in progressive and liberal causes around the world remains ambiguous, and in the US, where he has made his home, the billionaire, despite claiming to donate money to candidates without regard to their party, is mostly known for his support of the Democrats.
George Soros is said to have donated $125 million to "Democracy PAC," the political action committee he established ahead of the 2020 election season, a move that prompted some experts to believe that the famous investor is seeking to provide help to the Democratic Party ahead of the midterm elections later this year.
The donation is deemed one of the largest of its kind this year. Soros described the spending package as a "long-term investment" that extends beyond the next midterms, which will see all 435 House seats, 34 Senate seats, and 39 state and territorial governorships up for election.
Meanwhile, according to numerous polls and experts in the media, the Democrats are likely to lose their thin majority in Congress altogether at the elections. This month's Gallup poll, conducted over the course of 2021, revealed that Democratic support has fallen across the country in the last year. The public's preferences have switched from a nine-point Democratic advantage to a five-point GOP advantage — the largest shift in one calendar year for each party, amid the Biden administration's crises and failed attempts by Democrats to push their legislative agenda through Congress.
Such a decision of the far-sighted Soros cannot but cause comparisons to a hypothetical investor who, despite living at the time of the invention of the Ford Model T and the assembly line, heavily invested in stables for the sake of "progress".