
$1 Million Painting Vandalized by ‘Bored’ Museum Security Guard, Officials Reveal

After two months, it has come out that the vandalizing culprit of Anna Leporskaya's “Three Figures” painting was a “bored” security guard. The exact value of the painting is unknown, but it was insured for £740,000 ($1,001,534) by the Alfa insurance company.
The “Three Figures” painting depicts three featureless figures. That was, until a bored security guard decided to add some realism to the painting. According to reports, the guard used a ballpoint pen to add a set of eyes to two of the figures.
The artistic additions were spotted on December 7, 2021, by two visitors to the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, Russia, where the painting was part of their “The World as Non-Objectivity. The Birth of a New Art” exhibit. The painting was on loan from the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.
The modification by the guard has been deemed an act of vandalism and has spurred an investigation. On Tuesday, the Yeltsin Center released a statement as a result of their investigation.
“We inform you that during the investigation, the person who painted the eyes on the figures in the painting by Anna Leporskaya was identified - this is an employee of a private security organization that carries out security activities of the Yeltsin Center,” the statement read.
The security guard was allegedly a 60-year-old man who has since been fired. Police in Yekaterinburg have opened a vandalism investigation. If found guilty, the perpetrator could face a £395 (40,058 RUB) fine and a one-year correctional labor sentence. The identity of the security guard has not been released.
The damage was not deemed to have ruined the painting.
According to the Yeltsin Center, “The work was inspected by the restorer of the State Tretyakov Gallery the very next day and sent to Moscow. The painting is being restored, the damage, according to the expert, can be eliminated without consequences for the work of art.”
The damage to the painting was reported to be £2,470 (RUB 250,000). The security firm has paid for the damages.
Anna Leporskaya was born in 1900 during the Russian Empire, and studied under the famed avant-garde Russian artist Kazimir Malevich. She is most famous for her work with artistic porcelain. The “Three Figures” painting was produced over a three-year period between 1932-34.