Obsessed Clinton Can't Keep Quiet About Trump and 'Russiagate'

Hillary Clinton has never gotten over her loss to political outsider Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But her attempts to prove "collusion" between the Republican campaign and Russia have now backfired on her.
2016 presidential loser Hilary Clinton couldn't resist mentioning her nemesis Donald Trump and her 'Russiagate' hoax at a Democratic Party convention.
Clinton, a former senator for New York State despite hailing from Illinois, was the special guest speaker at the New York Democrat nominating convention in Manhattan on Thursday. She was wheeled out just after acting Governor Kathy Hochul won the nomination for November's elections by 85 per cent.
After five years of pushing her fantasy that Trump only beat her thanks to dastardly Russian "collusion", she called Special Counsel John Durham's discovery that she paid internet security expert Rodney Joffe to hack into servers at the Trump Tower and White House as "conspiracy theory".
"I know that many of us hoped that defeating Trump would start to heal our divisions — I certainly did — That maybe, just maybe, the madness would break," Clinton said.
But she claimed the "struggle for unity and democracy" was not over "when the Republican party officially embraces violent insurrection as legitimate political discourse."
"Our adversaries around the world are watching. Republicans are defending coup plotters... when we should be standing together against autocracies like Russia and China," Clinton said, neatly linking her two bugbears.
As secretary of state under Barack Obama, Clinton backed the bloody coups d'etat in Honduras in 2009 and Libya in 2011.
Hillary Clinton Accuses Trump of 'Spinning Up Fake Scandal' Amid the Durham Investigation
"We can't get distracted, whether it's by the latest culture war nonsense or some new right-wing lie on Fox or Facebook," she continued, segueing into the Russiagate saga that has backfired on her.
"By the way, they've been coming after me lately," Clinton complained. "It's funny, the more trouble Trump gets into, the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories against me seem to get."
"Right on cue the noise machine gets turned up," she said. "Fox leads the charge with accusations against me, counting on their audience to fall for it again" — ignoring Durham's role in unearthing the scandal.
A recent poll found two-thirds of Democrat voters want Clinton investigated over the charge that she spied on a sitting president, while former Democrat Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said: "Hillary Clinton and her warmongers need to be held accountable, and [National Security Advisor] Jake Sullivan... needs to resign immediately for his role in this."