
Tucker Carlson Slams Biden for Focusing on Putin, Ukraine Instead of US Domestic Problems

On 22 February, Western countries and some of their allies announced that they will be slapping Russia with sanctions over the decision to recognise the people's republics in Donbass. These sanctions affect Russian state debt, banks, and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has criticised US President Joe Biden over his focus on Russia and the situation around Ukraine, arguing that POTUS has more pressing issues at home and that the sanctions against Moscow bring no benefit, but entail negative consequences for the American people.
Carlson pointed out that hating Russian President Vladimir Putin has become "the central purpose of America's foreign policy" and that now "entire cable channels are now devoted to it". He went on to accuse the Democratic Party of brainwashing Americans into believing that "anything less than hatred for Putin is treason". The Fox News host, however, wondered which of America's current problems Putin is responsible for:
"Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity?"
The conservative TV host concludes that the Russian president was responsible for none of those issues or other matters important to ordinary Americans.
Carlson went on to speculate as to why the declared goal of protecting Ukraine's borders was more important for Biden than protecting the nation's southern border – in the host's opinion POTUS' priorities were affected by his son formerly raking in huge profits working on the board of a Ukrainian gas company in the past.

"Ukraine is now one of Biden's favourite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine's borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That's how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime".

The Fox News host struck down the argument that the US is protecting a democratic state, stressing that Ukraine is far from being one. He recalled Kiev's crackdown on opposition media critical of the current president, as well as the jailing of ex-President Petro Poroshenko – Volodymyr Zelensky's political rival in the last election. "In American terms, you would call Ukraine a tyranny", Carlson summed up

Energy Prices and Other Costs for Americans

Having discussed the reasons for Joe Biden's obsession with Ukraine, Carlson went on to name the costs that Americans will have to pay for his desire to punish Putin. The host warned that not only can the conflict "easily spin out of control" and get the US involved, the sanctions themselves will harm American families' budgets – something that Joe Biden himself confirmed.
Carlson predicted that energy prices will go up, slamming the Biden administration for pushing to freeze the Nord Stream 2 pipeline connecting Russia and Germany thus further worsening the gas crisis. The TV show host also recalled that amid the news of the escalation in Donbass and Russia's recognition of the republics there oil prices have nearly reached $100 per barrel.
The conservative host went on to allege that Joe Biden and his administration do not really care about high oil prices simply because their "friends and donors" will profit from their investments in renewable energy sources, which have yet to surpass fossils in terms of operational costs per kilowatt.
Tucker Carlson further noted that the growing price tag for crude is driving other prices up as well and that everything will become more expensive for American families, not just the power bills – "from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer". All that for the sake of Ukraine's defence and hating the Russian president, the host stressed.
"On the other hand, you're going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin [...] Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because… come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. [POTUS son] Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner", Carlson concluded sarcastically.