
European Commission to Introduce New Round of Sanctions Against Russia

Earlier in the day, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine amid escalating attacks by Kiev's forces in Donbass. President Vladimir Putin said that the operation aims for the denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine, and said that the perpetrators of war crimes in Donbass should stand trial.
The European Commission said on Thursday it would soon propose a new package of sanctions against Moscow, threatening to target the Russian strategic sector.
EU leaders will discuss new measures against Moscow in light of Russia's military operation in Ukraine at an extraordinary meeting later on Thursday, European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.

"President Michel of the European Council has urgently convened an extraordinary meeting of the European Council. The EU leaders will meet later today to discuss the crisis and further restrictive measures that will impose massive and severe consequences on Russia for its action, in close coordination with our transatlantic partners", a joint statement by Michel and von der Leyen read.

The new package was announced in response to the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Moscow launched the op on Thursday, targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure with precision weapons and noting there are no threats to the civilian population.