Trump Pledges ‘Once and For All’ Ban on Critical Race Theory if Republicans Retake Congress

In 2020, then-US President Donald Trump prohibited the federal government as well as its contractors from instructing their employees to follow critical race theory tenets based on “systemic racism” and “white privilege”. The ban was scrapped by Democrat Joe Biden after he took office early last year.
Donald Trump has made it clear that Republicans would impose a full-fledged ban on critical race theory (CRT) if they take back Congress in the midterm elections scheduled for November 2022.
Speaking at a rally of his supporters in South Carolina on Saturday, Trump said that he was “proud to issue the world's first ban” on CRT in September 2020, when he served as US president.
“Joe Biden rescinded that order, but as soon as we retake Congress, Republicans will ban critical race theory once and for all”, the 45th president asserted.
He promised that GOP lawmakers “will also defund the racist equity mandates across the entire federal government”.
“No more illegal discrimination in everything. Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values. It's also a matter of national survival. We have no choice”, the former US president argued.
Trump went on by claiming that “the fate of any nation ultimately depends upon the willingness of its citizens to lay down, and they must do this, lay down their very lives to defend their country”.
According to him, if the government allows “the Marxists and communists and socialists to teach” US children “to hate America, there will be no one left to defend” the American flag or to protect their “great country or its freedom”.

Critical Race Theory

CRT, which originated in the 1960s and was further developed in the 1970s, is based on the idea that race is not a natural and biologically grounded feature, but a socially constructed category used to oppress and exploit people of colour.
The theory specifically argues that US laws and legal institutions are "inherently racist" and function to create and maintain social, economic, as well as political inequalities between whites and non-whites, most notably black people.
CRT has long been criticised by GOP voters, who complain that the theory is controversial, divisive, and unpatriotic, with some Republican lawmakers moving to ban it from grades K-12 in their states. The term K-12, used in the US and Canada, pertains to the grade level system in schools prior to college or university.
Thus far, 14 Republican-led states have passed laws restricting how race and racism can be taught, according to estimates released by the US-headquartered independent news organisation Education Week.
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