Gas Prices in United States Will Likely 'Continue to Go Up' – White House

Last week, gasoline prices in the United States reached an all-time high – $4.173 for a gallon of regular gas, according to the data obtained by the non-profit American Automobile Association.
While the United States recently witnessed an upsurge in gas prices, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has announced that these prices may climb even higher.
Speaking to the media on Monday, Psaki appeared reluctant to offer any estimates on how high the gas prices might rise.

“Obviously, what we’re trying to do is mitigate the impact,” she said, adding that US President Joe Biden “will continue to look at a range of steps that he can take."

Said steps, Psaki explained, may involve Biden engaging – “through his team or even himself personally” – with big global oil producers or “looking at a range of domestic options.”
However, in terms of how far the gas prices may increase, Psaki said: “We still believe it will continue to go up.”
Last week, gasoline prices in the United States have reached an all-time high, $4.173 for a gallon of regular gas, according to the data obtained by the non-profit American Automobile Association.
As Fuel Prices Spike in US, Gas Theft is Also on the Rise, Police Warn
Fuel prices in the United States have skyrocketed amid the economic sanctions imposed by the country against Russia over Moscow's ongoing military operation in Ukraine, with US President Joe Biden imposing a ban on oil imports from Russia.