A judge of the Brazilian Supreme Court has ordered to be blocked Telegram in the country, the G1 News agency reported on Friday. The decision was made because of Telegram's purported reputation for refusing to cooperate with the police and judicial authorities in different countries.
The request to block the instant-messaging service was said to be filed by the federal police, which told the court that Telegram is “notorious for its non-cooperation stance with judicial and police authorities in several countries.”
The messenger was accused of refusing to cooperate with the authorities and thereby becoming a platform for the distribution of various contents, “including repercussions in the criminal area,” according to the police.
The head of the Supreme Court of Brazil, Alexandre de Moraes, noted that Telegram had not complied with previous court decisions and showed “complete disregard for Brazilian justice.” The work of the messenger is not compatible with the constitutional order of Brazil, he said.
Brazilian digital platforms and Internet providers, including Algar Telecom, OI, Sky, Live Tim, Vivo, Net Virtua, GVT, have already been notified about the court ruling, according to CNN Brazil. If the companies fail to comply with the blocking requirement, they could face fines of up to 100,000 reais (nearly $20,000) per day.