Viewers Shocked by 'F**ked Up' Sex Scene in Netflix’s Horror Mini-Series

Brand New Cherry Flavour follows the life of young filmmaker Lisa, who moves to Los Angeles to follow her dreams. The series was created by Nick Antosca, who was the showrunner of the popular series Channel Zero.
Viewers have been left shocked by Netflix horror series Brand New Cherry Flavour…beacuse of gory sex scenes, which people on social media eloquently described as “f**ked-up”. The series was released last summer, but recently went viral after netizens started recording their reactions to one of the show’s sex scenes.

The series' protagonist Lisa hires a witch to put a curse on a filmmaker, who wronged her. But the spell has a creepy side effect. The young woman begins vomiting newborn kittens (always consult your witch before asking her to curse someone).

As if this was not enough to make viewers close their eyes, Lisa gets a mysterious wound on her belly, which produces another newborn kitten. At one point, Lisa invites her new lover Roy to her place and the two start making out. At some point the young man sticks his whole right hand in the kitten-producing wound.

Naturally this scene produced strong reactions, with netizens advising others against watching the series.

"Do not watch. I repeat. Do not watch! Why the heck was it most! And what was that sound?", wrote one user.

"I should’ve just minded my business. I miss the person I was four minutes ago", wrote the other.

Several users threatened to sue Netflix, while others berated people for calling on other to take Brand New Cherry Flavour challenge.

Despite the “revolting” scene the mini-series has a respectable 78 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, a review-aggregation website for film and television.