YouTube May Be Blocked in Russia by End of Next Week, Source Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian media regulator Roskomnadzor is expected to ban YouTube by the end of next week, possibly later today, a source close to the watchdog told Sputnik on Friday.
"Most likely, YouTube will be blocked by the end of next week ... I assume this with a high degree of probability. I know that it was supposed to be blocked last week, but Meta [scandal] happened, and I am sure that the blockage was simply postponed so that it was not all at once," the source said.

The source also assumed that the move may come as early as Friday.

Earlier this month, Meta allowed publication of calls for violence against Russian military on its social media platforms during the military operation in Ukraine. In response, the Russian authorities blocked Instagram on March 14. Roskomnadzor also blocked access to Facebook, owned by Meta, on March 4.