Roger Stone: Russia is 'Acting Defensively' in Ukrainian Conflict

Russia started its military operation in Ukraine on 24 February to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" the country. Moscow has also indicated that Russian troops do not pose a threat to civilians, targeting only Ukraine's military infrastructure.
US conservative politician and long-time Trump ally Roger Stone has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a military operation in Ukraine for defensive reasons.
In an interview with Real America's Voice, Stone elaborated on the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine and shared his opinion on the US-funded biolabs found there. According to the Russian Defence Ministry, these labs were aimed at creating biowarfare weapons and studied the spread of dangerous pathogens - something that Washington has denied.

"There are, in fact, biolabs there funded by our tax dollars cooking up who knows what pestilence to dump on the Russian people", Stone asserted.

According to him, "Ukraine is not even remotely about what they're telling us".

"Putin is acting defensively", Stone continued. "He is not acting offensively. But you won't read that in the mainstream media".

In a push to "punish" Russia for launching the military operation in Ukraine, the West has imposed harsh sanctions targeting Russia's economy, businesses, culture, sports, and media outlets. The West condemns the operation and calls it an "invasion".
Russia, for its part, has said that the goal of the military operation is to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" Ukraine following calls for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Moscow said that Russian troops exclusively target Ukraine's military infrastructure and do not pose a threat to civilians.
The military operation, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was a "tough" decision that was made following weeks of demanding security guarantees from the US and NATO. The latter, however, has repeatedly dismissed Moscow's calls for non-expansion eastward, citing its open-door policy.
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