"Pumping the Kiev regime up with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries into Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine directly threatens European and global security," Antonov posted to Telegram. A considerable portion of the weaponry, according to Antonov, will wind up in the hands of criminals, Nazis, and terrorists.
"Now, in pursuit of financial gain, the defense industry sector companies have completely lost their moral guidelines and are ready to earn money on blood. We urge the sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and seriously think about the consequences of their activities,” the Russian diplomat stated.
"In 2017 Russia eliminated its stockpile of chemical weapons. This fact was documented by the @OPCW," the embassy tweeted. "[The United States] in its turn has deliberately delayed the destruction of the remaining 3% of #CW, that still poses a serious threat to the globe. We call on the #US to liquidate all its #CW."