Pakistani Parliament Admits No-Confidence Motion Against Prime Minister Imran Khan

Imran Khan could become the first prime minister of Pakistan to be removed by voting in the National Assembly — the lower house of the country’s bicameral parliamentary system. A unified opposition has moved a no-confidence motion on a 26-point plan, including a surge in prices.
A majority of members of the National Assembly voted in favour of a motion moved by Shahbaz Sharif, leader of the opposition and Pakistan Muslim League-N President, on Monday seeking the removal of Prime Minister Imran Khan's government.
Sharif tabled the no-confidence motion against Khan in the lower house, which received support from 161 members.

"This house is of the view that Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has lost the confidence of the members of the National Assembly of Pakistan, therefore he should cease to hold office", the motion read.

Under the rules of the National Assembly, the voting will be concluded within seven days from the day the motion was adopted by the house.
"The process to remove this selected government has started now. Hopefully, the people of Pakistan will soon see a democratic government", Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, chairperson of the Pakistan Peoples Party, said.
He claims to have the support of a majority in the house against the Imran Khan government. The opposition dubbed the Khan government "selected", as they alleged the military rigged the election to elect Khan as prime minister.
The opposition will need the support of 172 members out of the 342 in the lower house of parliament. Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has 155 members in the house.
Tariq Bashir Cheema, a member of the Imran Khan Cabinet, has tendered his resignation and announced his support for the opposition's no-confidence motion. State chief of Punjab province Usman Buzdar has also presented his resignation to the prime minister.
Bilawal Bhutto alleged that Khan intermingled religion and politics after failing to deliver on promises made in the last elections.
If Imran Khan, who secured a thumping win in 2018, were to lose a majority in the house, he would become the first prime minister of Pakistan to be ousted by a no-confidence motion.
Inflation of essential commodities and fuel prices has jumped to an unprecedented level in Pakistan, triggering a series of public protests and opposition in the past few months across the country.
According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the country's consumer price index rose to 13 percent in January — the highest in two years.