Brazilian President Hospitalised With Stomach Pain - Reports

The president of Brazil survived an assassination attempt during an election rally in the city of Juiz de Fora of Minas Gerais state about a month before the elections in 2018. Bolsonaro was stabbed with a knife, which later caused intestinal problems.
President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil was taken to a military hospital for examination after he felt abdominal pain, the news agency G1 reported late on Monday.

"They said he had reflux disease and stomach problems", Marcus Pereira, the head of the Brazilian Republican Party, said as cited by G1.

According to First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro, the president is now feeling well.
Bolsonaro was hospitalised in early January due to intestinal problems. In July, he was also hospitalised due to hiccups that lasted about ten days. The frequent hiccuping saw him under medical supervision for approximately two days.
In 2018, Bolsonaro, as a presidential candidate, was stabbed while meeting with voters in the southeast of the country. As a result of the incident, the politician spent three weeks in the hospital, where he underwent four surgeries.
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