Congressman Says It's 'Shocking' FBI Cyber Boss 'Can't Locate' Hunter's Laptop Seized 3 Years Ago

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - FBI Assistant Director for Cyber Bryan Vorndran's claim of ignorance about the location of Hunter Biden's laptop was "astonishing," US Congressman Matt Gaetz said at a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee.
"[Vorndran said he did not] have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop” even though the FBI had seized it from a repair shop in Delaware, the state his father President Joe Biden represented in the US Senate for 30 years, in December 2019. "I don't know where Hunter Biden's laptop is," Gaetz said on Tuesday. Hunter Biden has had extensive non-transparent business dealings in Ukraine.
Gaetz however refused to accept Vorndran's claim of ignorance and pressed the issue on him.
"That is astonishing, you can't locate a laptop that was given to you three years ago: That is shocking. ...That is astonishing to me. You are the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is."
Vorndran claimed it was not in the realm of his responsibilities to answer Gaetz's questions. But the congressman replied, "I would think you would know this one." Hunter Biden's laptop might contain details of his business details with Ukraine and the Chinese, raising the risk it could fall into Russian hands and compromise him, the congressman said.
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“So, will you commit to give us a briefing as the assistant director of FBI cyber as to where the laptop is, whether or not it’s a point of vulnerability, whether or not the American people should wonder whether or not the first family is compromised?” Gaetz asked.
However, committee chairman Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a leader in the effort to topple President Donald Trump by accusing him of collusion with Russia, effectively shut down Gaetz's efforts to press the issue, US media reported earlier in the day.