'This Man Cannot Remain in Power': Tucker Carlson Calls for Invoking 25th Against Biden

Over the past week, the White House had to clarify statements made by the president on at least five occasions, sometimes presenting an official position radically different from what Biden said in his speeches. His apparent call for ousting the Russian president was no exception last week.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has echoed President Joe Biden's words "for God's sakes, this man cannot remain in power" in the latest episode of his show… although unlike POTUS, the anchor did not direct them against Russian President Vladimir Putin, but rather Biden himself.
Carlson pointed out inconsistencies in Biden's latest speeches, namely his denial of the fact that many of the things he said last week were immediately walked back by the White House in an apparent damage control effort. And as soon as POTUS claimed that he was not in fact walking back his statements, he did it again… by denying he was serious about ousting Vladimir Putin at the end of his "major" speech in Poland last week.
"Because it's ridiculous. Nobody believes we're going to take down, I was going, I was talking about taking down Putin. Nobody believes that", Biden said.
The conservative TV host further noted that as much as no one wants to make "fun of [Biden's] age or his diminished condition", there is no room for mistakes when the world is "on the cusp of a war with a nuclear-armed power". Carlson thus argued that it was high time to replace Biden using the 25th amendment, which allows the vice president to take over if the president dies or is unable to fulfil his duties properly.
"All right. Joke's over, too much is at stake. If there was ever a time, if there was, in U.S. history, ever a time, to invoke the 25th Amendment, it is now. As Joe Biden himself put it, 'For God's sakes, this man cannot remain in power', for all of our sakes", Carlson said.
Biden used the phrase, repeated by Carlson, during his speech in Poland on 26 March as he seemingly called for Putin to be ousted. The White House later claimed that Biden was not calling for a "regime change" in Russia after already correcting POTUS several times that week after his remarks created the impression that US troops might be deployed in Ukraine and that the US might use chemical weapons against Russia.
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