India Registers Hottest March Since 1901

March of 2022 in India has become the hottest in more than 120 years, exceeding the monthly average by 1.86 degrees Celsius.
The Indian Meteorological Department said on Saturday that it was the highest monthly average in March since 1901.
According to the agency, the average monthly temperature in March was 26.67 degrees Celsius, against the norm of 25.06 degrees.
In addition, the past month was also the hottest in terms of the average maximum daily temperature since 2010: then the temperature was 33.09 degrees Celsius, and in March 2022 it reached 33.1 degrees.
According to the department, the average rainfall in the country was 71% less than the norm for this time of year.
At the same time, at the end of April, the heat season begins in India, which, according to preliminary forecasts, can also lead to record-breaking temperatures.