UK Braces for Protests Over Soaring Cost of Living, Energy Prices

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Dozens of demonstrations will be held across the United Kingdom on Saturday to protest the surging price of energy and other bills, the organizers said.
The People’s Assembly, a grassroots movement sworn to fight "inequality and Tory injustice," announced rallies at more than two dozen locations in a bid to hold Prime Minister Boris Johnson to account.
"Public outrage over the Cost of Living Crisis is growing fast and our response is gaining momentum… Now is the time to get out onto the streets to send a clear message to the government that we refuse to pay for their crisis," the movement said.
Demonstrations against the 54% rise in the energy price cap and a 30-year-high inflation rate begin in the afternoon in London, Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow.
British households are expected to see their heating bills and other expenses go up this month after the Conservatives raised the ceiling price on domestic energy costs on April 1 to accommodate volatility in the wholesale energy market.