Teachers Wearing Hijabs Won't Be Allowed at Exam Centres in India's Karnataka

For the past few months, Karnataka has been witnessing an uproar over the hijab in educational institutions. Hijab-clad students were earlier banned from entering their classrooms. Now, the directive seems to have been extended to teachers as well.
The state government of Karnataka in India has stated that invigilating teachers will not be allowed to wear hijabs during the ongoing board exams inside examination centres or exam halls.
Speaking to The Times of India on Monday, State Education Minister B.C. Nagesh said the decision was taken because it would not be "morally right" for teachers when students are made to adhere to the government's rules about uniforms in compliance with an order by the Karnataka High Court.
On 15 March, the Karnataka High Court stated that hijabs could not be worn inside the classroom and that students must abide by school dress code rules.
The minister also said that teachers who insist on wearing a hijab would be removed from exam duty.
Nagesh's comments have been opposed by a section of activists in the state, who accused the Karnataka government of discriminating against Muslim teachers.
"The education minister's statement is against the guidelines of the court and is discriminatory", the Hindustan Times quoted lawyer and activist Vinaya S as saying.
"He has misinterpreted the court's order in the past well", the activist further added.
The All-India Lawyers' Association For Justice, an organisation of lawyers and law students, had issued a legal notice to Nagesh for his alleged misleading statements over the matter.
Meanwhile, the Karnataka government has suspended seven school officials, including teachers, for allegedly allowing Muslim students to attend exams in hijabs. The teachers, however, rejected the allegation.
Exams for class 10 students of the state commenced on 28 March and will last until 11 April.
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