Joe Biden's Brother James Received Payments From Chinese-Financed Consulting Group, Reports Say

Earlier, the Washington Post reported that Hunter Biden and James Biden, the US president's brother, were paid approximately $4.8 million over the course of 14 months by Chinese Communist Party-linked businesses with which they were involved.
The Daily Mail reports, citing documents obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, that James Biden, brother of US President Joe Biden and the president's son, Hunter Biden, received monthly retainers totalling $165,000 — $100,000 to Hunter and $65,000 to James from the Chinese-linked consulting group throughout 2018, totalling $780,000 for James and $1.7 million for Hunter.
According to the report, James Biden was linked to president’s son Hunter's Biden shady businesses after it emerged that both of them were paid retainers by a Chinese firm.
In March, the Washington Post reported that Hunter Biden and James Biden were paid approximately $4.8 million over the course of 14 months by Chinese Communist Party-linked businesses with which they were involved.
In turn, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield said that the White House stands by US President Joe Biden’s comments as a candidate during a debate in 2020 in which he denied any corrupt business deals or profiting by his son Hunter Biden with China or Ukraine.
In October 2020, the New York Post published a series of materials based on correspondence allegedly found on Hunter Biden's laptop, which was found in a Delaware repair shop. The owner of the workshop made a copy of his hard drive, which was given to Rudy Giuliani, a former mayor of New York and personal lawyer of then US President Donald Trump. The laptop was reportedly later seized by the FBI.