Joe ‘Big Guy’ Biden Appeared 41 Times in Hunter’s Laptop, Analysis of Emails Shows

Last month, the New York Times and the Washington Post carried out “forensic analyses” and concluded that the laptop Hunter Biden left behind at a Delaware repair shop in 2019 was the real deal. The trove of data contained within links the junior Biden and his powerful father to a range of unethical and potentially illegal activity.
“Big guy,” the moniker referring to Joe Biden mentioned in some of Hunter Biden’s correspondence with business partners, appeared at least 41 times the emails contained within his abandoned laptop, a cursory media analysis has found.
The New York Post first revealed in October 2020 that Hunter Biden business partner James Gilliar referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” in communications with “H” (Hunter) in a March 2017 email mentioning that Biden Sr. would get 10 percent of the equity in a joint venture with Chinese oil giant CEFC, while Hunter would get 20 percent. Former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski then confirmed that the “big guy” referred to in the emails was in fact Joe Biden. The Post’s reporting was heavily censored online at the time by the likes of Facebook and Twitter, and dismissed by officials and liberal newspapers and news networks as an elaborate “Russian misinformation campaign.”
The New York Times finally confirmed last month had been “authenticated by people familiar with” the emails amid the ongoing Justice Department investigation into Hunter’s business activities and alleged tax fraud and money laundering. The Jeff Bezos’-owned Washington Post followed suit, saying it used computer security “experts” who studied email headers to review a portable hard drive containing data from Hunter’s Macbook Pro to “determine its veracity.”
In a new analysis released Thursday, the Daily Mail reported that Gilliar was just one of several associates of Hunter Biden to have referred to his father Joe as “the buy guy,” and that the moniker has been used to refer to him since at least 2013.
This includes its use by an executive at wealth management company Glenmede Trust Company in an email to Hunter about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s appearance at a dinner at Whitehall Neck Sportsman Club, private club in Delaware in 2013.
“Hunt see below…I was not there but heard all about it. The big guy made them happy,” the executive wrote.
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‘Big guy’ Biden was also referenced in a series of emails dating back to December 2014 between Hunter and Chuck Harple, a trade union lobbyist hoping to set up a meeting between the head of the North American Building Trades Union and the vice president after receiving no response after using official channels.
“I’ll work on it – but is there any issue I should know about before I go around everyone and straight to him?” Hunter asked. “What works best – for you and I – is for you to call [the union president] first. Say you talked to me and that you want to get all the facts before you talk to the big guy,” Harple responded.
In 2020, Tony Bobulinski told reporters Hunter consistently referred to his father as “the big guy” and “my chairman,” and that he regularly asked dad “for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing.”
Earlier this week, the Post reported, citing a source, that a witness in the Hunter grand jury probe asked who the “big guy” in Gilliar’s email was, giving rise to the possibility that the president of the United States may be sucked into the Justice Department’s criminal probe into his son’s business activities.
President Biden has repeatedly denied being tied in any way to his son’s business dealings. On Tuesday, outgoing White House press secretary Jen Psaki stuck to the administration’s long-held assertion.
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Media investigations of President Biden’s activities have linked him to a series of damning and potentially illegal pay-to-play schemes – a situation in which money is paid to a politician or his/her intermediary in anticipation of political access. Materials from Hunters laptop have uncovered that Joe Biden met with his son’s business partners at a Washington, DC restaurant in 2015, sat down with a senior executive of Ukrainian gas company Burisma – which paid Biden junior tens of thousands of dollars for a no show job, entertained Hunter’s Mexican business associates in 2014 and even flew him to Mexico City aboard Air Force 2 to close a “flippin gigantic” deal.
The laptop also contains other incredible but true information. Last month, the Russian military carried out a briefing based on documents seized from US military-operated biolabs in Ukraine, tying Hunter-connected investment fund Rosemont Seneca to the financing of the labs’ activities. Western media initially dismissed the revelations as “Russian disinformation,” but a Daily Mail analysis of Hunter’s lost computer confirmed that the president’s son did in fact “help secure millions in funding for a US contractor in Ukraine specialising in deadly pathogen research.”
Last week, Republican Senator Ron Johnson and his colleague Chuck Grassley discussed their own investigation into the Biden family business on the senate floor, accusing President Biden and his son of “criminal behaviour,” and suggesting that their “vast web of foreign financial entanglements” have potentially dangerous implications for “the administration’s foreign policy,” and constitute “potential risks to national security.”
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