Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

German Defence Minister Says Berlin Reached Limit in Arms Supplies to Kiev

BERLIN (Sputnik) - German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht said on Saturday that the country has reached a limit in arms supplies to Kiev and now the sides are discussing direct deliveries from defense enterprises.
"I must be honest that in terms of supplies from the Bundeswehr’s reserves, we have now reached the limit. After all, the troops must remain able to guarantee the defence of the country and the allies. However, this does not mean that we cannot do anything more for Ukraine. Therefore, we also specified what exactly the industry can supply directly," Lambrecht said in an interview with the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper.
She noted that Germany is coordinating the matter with Ukraine.
On 24 February, Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine after the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk appealed for help in defending themselves against Ukrainian provocations. In response, the EU rolled out a comprehensive sanctions campaign against Moscow, which includes airspace closures and restrictive measures targeting numerous Russian officials and entities, media and financial institutions.