Joe Biden Ridiculed Online After Bird Apparently Poops on Him During Iowa Speech

There have been a few misfortunes during Joe Biden's public speeches, but nature itself has never intervened...until now.
As US President Joe Biden was delivering a speech in Iowa, elaborating on how Americans should blame the nation's current economic hardships on Vladimir Putin...a bird appeared to have pooped on him.
The now-viral video of the embarrassing moment shows a signature white stain appearing on Biden's lapel. The bird itself was not caught on camera.
"I'm here today to talk about what we're doing to lower costs for American families and put rural America at the centre of our efforts to build a future that's made in America", Biden was saying before the stain appeared on his jacket as he was explaining to Americans that the Russian president was to blame for the unprecedented 8.5% inflation in the country.
The internet immediately concluded that, amid the historically low popularity among his human constituents, Joe Biden is now even facing disapproval from birds. Among those cackling at the incident was Donald Trump Jr, who sarcastically noted that "even the birds know".
"That bird speaks for anyone who's filled their tank or gone shopping in the last 18 months", he tweeted, commenting on the video of the incident.
Other people suggested that the bird that embarassed the president simply had a different political affiliation.
A very different political affiliation, apparently.
On Tuesday, the US Labour Department released a report, marking a grim milestone in American history as the consumer price index rose by 8.5% over last year - a new 40-year-high. In February, this number broke the record by being 7.9%.
According to the Biden administration, however, the price hike is to be blamed entirely on the leader of an overseas nation - Russia's President Vladimir Putin. The White House continues to insist that it is Moscow's military operation in Ukraine that has prompted the unprecedented inflation in the US.