Cards, History, and Dates: What is the Origin of Nintendo?

The Japanese multinational video game company has touched numerous generations, but the beginning of one of the world's best-known companies is shrouded in mystery.
A card-making company called Nintendo was founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi. Soon, this family-owned company became the largest playing card maker in the country and under the leadership of Fusajiro's great-grandson, Hiroshi Yamauchi, the video-gaming market emerged and created history.
However, in his recent work, Marcus Richert, a playing card researcher and active member of the International Playing Card Society, has questioned the original date of the global giant's founding. Exploring documents, the researcher discovered that the founding date of Fusajiro's Yamauchi playing card manufacturing business is listed as 1892, three years later than Nintendo claims.
Richert has also cast doubt on a photo, well known by fans of Nintendo, of the first office of the company that is dated to 1889.
After consulting with historians Masayuki Hasebe and Yuki Ootsu, who said "if the photo had really been taken in 1889, that bicycle would have been a wooden penny-farthing", Marcus Richert suggested that “with a kickstand, inflatable tires, and a rear rack, a bicycle like that would come more than a decade later". According to Richert, Ootsu suspects the photo was actually taken between 1912 and 1930.
According to the researcher, a Nintendo museum is planned open in 2024, so he hopes the facts and the origin of the company will be more specific and that other interesting information will appear.