
Bodies of 26 Civilian Victims of Shelling by Azov Found on Mariupol Hospital Ground, DPR Says

DONETSK (Sputnik) - The bodies of 26 civilians who became victims of shelling by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regiment Azov were found on the territory of a hospital in Mariupol, the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) authorities said on Thursday.

"On Wednesday, experts again worked on the territory of city hospital No. 4, where they continued to record and document the fact of mass deaths of civilians. In total, 26 dead civilians who became victims of massive shelling by the Azov nationalist battalions were found on the territory ... along the building of the medical institution," the DPR representative office in the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the ceasefire regime (JCCC) wrote on Telegram.

Ukrainian radicals are now besieged in Mariupol, the second-largest city in the DPR, after the Donbass militia forces have already seized control of the port and downtown. However, fighting in the industrial zone has yet to cease.
Azov was created from a group of neo-Nazi volunteer paramilitaries, which was created in late 2014, taking part in hostilities in Donbass. Since then it has evolved into a regiment, and integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard.