Watch Trump Apparently Quitting During Heated Interview With Piers Morgan

The viral video is a cut from TV host's new show "Piers Morgan Uncensored," which is expected to air in full on April 25, and then every weeknight on several networks.
After being questioned on his claims that the 2020 presidential election turned out badly for him because of voter fraud, former President Donald Trump lambasted Piers Morgan as "very dishonest" and walked out of an interview with him.
According to footage from the interview, Trump became more angry with Morgan's queries, calling him a "fool" at one point.
In what appears to be a quite heated exchange, the former president and ostentatious TV presenter were finding out which of the two is more honest, as Trump said that he considers himself "a very honest man… "much more honest than you, actually."

Morgan naturally couldn't resist asking "Really?", to which the ex-president replied "Yeah."

In another part of the preview, Morgan tells Trump that the 2020 election was "a free and fair election," and that he "lost."
"Only a fool would think that," Trump retorted.
“You think I’m a fool?” Morgan asked.
“I do now, yeah,” Trump answered.
As the former president attempted to intervene, Morgan remarked of Trump's assertions, "With respect, you haven’t produced the hard evidence."
"I don't think you're real," the former president said to Morgan before turning to the crew and calling his interviewer "very dishonest."

Trump got out of his seat apparently at the end of the preview tape and told the crew to "turn the camera off." While walking away, he continued with "Very dishonest."

In his column for the New York Post, the journalist that said Trump called him a fool six more times during the interview, as well as calling Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky "stupid" and his own vice president, Mike Pence, "foolish and weak."
He further claimed that Trump tried to stop the interview by saying "That's it!" However, he stayed in his seat to talk about a recent hole-in-one he made while golfing. Following that exchange, the former president stood up and gave the crew members a "hateful" look before ordering them to turn off the cameras.
Trump has claimed since Election Night 2020 that Democrats and their proxies in crucial swing states including Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania disguised election fraud by expanding mail-in voting owing to the coronavirus pandemic.