Hunter Biden’s Associate Visited Obama’s White House at Least Seven Times, Visitor Logs Reveal

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he knew nothing of the business dealings of his son Hunter, who currently faces federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying.
Hunter Biden’s associate Francis "Fran" Person visited the White House at least seven times between 2015 and 2016 after becoming head of Harves Group, a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, Fox News has reported, referring to WH visitor logs.
The US broadcaster reported that at the time, Person frequently emailed with Hunter Biden and his longtime business partner Eric Schwerin about business dealings related to the Harves Group, which was founded by highly placed Chinese executive Bo Zhang. Person served in the Obama administration as an adviser to then-Vice President Biden and a special assistant to President Obama between 2009 and 2014.
As for Person’s visits to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the WH visitor logs indicated that he met his sister, Anne Marie Muldoon (Person), at least four times. Muldoon previously worked for Schwerin and Hunter at Rosemont Seneca Partners before joining Vice President’s Biden’s office in May 2014.
US Republican Lawmakers Move to Investigate Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell' - Media
Additionally, March 2016 saw Person’s meeting with Steve Ricchetti, who was Joe Biden’s chief of staff from 2013 until 2017 and is currently the 47th president’s White House counsellor.
The 39-year-old told Fox News that his White House visits had nothing to do with his activity at Harves Group.
“Those visits were personal in nature, visiting with old colleagues and friends whom I served with during my six years working there, and completely unrelated to my work with Harves Entertainment which was creating experiences and attractions with iconic brands across the sports and entertainment industry”, Person said.
He did not elaborate on whether he or Zhang kept in touch with or met Obama-Biden administration officials outside of the White House to discuss Harves Group-related business deals. Person also declined to say whether he or Hunter have introduced Zhang to Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, His Wife Heap Praise on Person

Back in 2014, Politico revealed that Person traveled with then-Vice President Biden to 49 of the 50 countries he travelled to between 2009 and 2014, including China and Serbia. The news outlet at the time also quoted the vice president and then-second lady Jill Biden as praising Person.
“In times of urgency, everyone from the Secret Service to my communications and policy teams, the first guy they go to is Fran”, Joe Biden said, while his spouse noted that “Fran has been like a son to Joe and me”.
According to her, “for eight years, we travelled the country, shared holidays together […]. Fran may be leaving the office, but he will always be a part of our family.”
The Fox News report about Person’s visits to the White House came after the news outlet cited WH visitor logs as revealing that Hunter Biden's business partner Eric Schwerin made at least eight visits to the White House in 2016, which brings his total number of visits to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. during the Obama-Biden administration to 27.
While White House press secretary Jen Psaki remained tight-lipped on the matter, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, for his part, told the newspaper New York Post (NYP) that the WH visitor logs shows that “it's increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden's business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power. It reeks of pay-to-play”.
Cruz added that “the clear solution” to the issue is “a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption”.

GOP Member Wants Further Probe Into Hunter Biden Dealings

Information about Person’s and Schewrin's visits to the White House is the latest developments in the Hunter Biden saga, as he remains under federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying.
In mid-April, Nancy Mace, a Republican member of the House Oversight Committee, urged the continuation of a congressional probe into the First Son’s text messages from his notorious laptop. “One of the first subpoenas we need to issue is Hunter Biden and his laptop to get to the bottom of this. I want to know who 'The Big Guy' is. Worse yet, Joe Biden denies any knowledge of this, and I want to know who is 'Pops'”, Mace told Fox News at the time.
She referred to the contents of several messages from what former US President Donald Trump earlier described as the "laptop from hell" that was reportedly dropped off by Hunter Biden at a repair shop in Delaware a few years ago, but was never recovered. The 52-year-old finally admitted that the laptop could have "absolutely" belonged to him, but added that he had never taken it to an IT store.
The NYP first exposed the contents of the “laptop from hell” in October 2020, mentioning two alleged emails that Hunter Biden purportedly received from a top official at the Ukrainian company Burisma while he was on the board of the firm.
In a May 2014 email, Burisma board adviser Vadym Pozharsky purportedly asked Joe Biden's son to "use [his] influence" to politically support the Ukrainian company, while in another one dated April 2015, Pozharsky thanked the younger Biden for arranging a meeting with his father. Joe Biden has repeatedly rejected claims that he was in the know about his son's work and financial gains.
After The New York Times acknowledged the authenticity of the emails in March, a number of GOP lawmakers called for US mainstream media outlets and Big Tech companies to be prosecuted for hushing up the Biden laptop story.