Stones Hurled, Swords Brandished as Two Groups Clash in Indian State of Punjab - Video

Punjab State Chief Bhagwant Mann called the incident "deeply unfortunate", while the state's opposition leader Pratap Singh Bajwa took to Twitter to slam "complete anarchy in the state".
Clashes broke out between two groups in India's Punjab state on Friday during a protest march against efforts to mark the foundation day of the Khalistan movement, which seeks a separate homeland for Sikhs in the region.
The march was reportedly organised by Harish Singla, the working president of Punjab Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeray) in Patiala District from the Arya Samaj Chowk area to the Kali Devi Temple.
The Khalistan movement seeks to establish an independent country for Sikhs carved out of the north Indian state of Punjab, located on the India-Pakistan border. The secessionist movement witnessed a rise in violence in the 1980s. But it almost fizzled out in the 1990s after the Indian authorities took stringent action against it.
On Friday, the Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeary) group's supporters were raising slogans denouncing the proscribed Khalistan-linked groups when a few Nihang Sikhs (armed Sikh warriors) allegedly favouring the Khalistan supporters, suddenly came out on the streets brandishing their swords and other weapons.
Nihang Sikhs usually wear a blue robe and turban with traditional weapons such as swords and spears hanging around their waist.
On Friday, the situation turned tense after both groups -- Shiv Sena (Bal Thackeary) and the Nihangs -- started pelting stones at each other.
In one of the videos of the clashes, a person can be seen hurling stones from the terrace of a building.
The Punjab Police had to fire blank shots in the air to disperse the stone-pelters and bring the situation under control. The clashes reportedly left four people injured. According to the police, Singla had not sought any official permission before taking out the march on Friday.
Patiala's Inspector General of Police Rakesh Agarwal said the incident occurred as "some mischievous elements spread rumours that some of the protesters had been attacked."
"The situation has been brought under control, and we will be conducting a flag march in Patiala city," Agarwal said.
"We have called force from the other districts," he said, adding: "A peace committee meeting has been called by the deputy commissioner."
"We are closely monitoring the situation and will not let anyone create disturbance in the state," State Chief Mann tweeted, adding: "Punjab's peace and harmony is of utmost importance."
Meanwhile, later in the day, Shiv Sena’s Punjab unit expelled Singla who had given the call for an anti-Khalistan march in Patiala, the Indian Express reported.
Shiv Sena's Punjab unit chief Yograj Sharma, in a press release stated that Singla, who claims to be the working president of the Shiv Sena (Bal Thackerey), has been expelled for “anti-party activities” after orders from party supremo Uddhav Thackeray, youth wing chief Aditya Thackeray and national secretary Anil Desai.