‘Who Do I F*ck to Be Powerful?’ Another Music Clip With Head of 'Biden's Ministry of Truth' Emerges

The video in question was uploaded on YouTube in 2015 and uncovered by the media this week.
A short viral video featuring Nina Jankowicz, US President Joe Biden’s new “disinformation czar”, apparently wasn’t the only time she displayed her musical talent on camera in recent years.
A YouTube video uploaded in 2015 by the account “LA TI DO Productions” and recently unearthed by Breitbart shows Jankowicz singing a slightly altered version of “My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous, and Powerful)” by David Friedman.
"Who do I f*ck to be famous and powerful", Jankowicz sang her rendition of the song, eliciting an animated reaction from her audience. The original version of the lyrics features the word "fake" instead of "f*ck".
A few years later, in February 2021, Jankowicz tweeted another video of her singing about the dangers of misinformation, calling herself the “Mary Poppins of Misinformation” in the caption.
And this year, she has been tapped to head the US Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, which has already been branded as the "Ministry of Truth" by some political figures, such as Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Republican House Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia.