Canada Plans to Apply Own Laws to Crimes Committed in Space

Namely, the country seeks to apply them to future joint projects with the US – the Lunar Gateway station and the first base on the surface of the Moon.
Canada's House of Commons has approved in the first reading of its new budget, which includes the "Civil Lunar Gateway Agreement Implementation Act" – a piece of legislation that will regulate some of the activities of its citizens in space – specifically committed crimes.
There have been so far no confirmed crimes committed in or from space, but as more and more countries renew hopes of colonising the Moon or even travelling to Mars, the question of how to resolve legal troubles becomes ever more acute.
Right now, humanity's activities in space are regulated by the UN Outer Space Treaty, which forbids military use of celestial objects, like the Moon, and includes a special agreement between the countries taking part in the International Space Station (ISS) mission. The latter applies the laws of the astronaut's countries to their activities in space.
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Canada's Civil Lunar Gateway Agreement Implementation Act practically follows in its steps, effectively extending Canadian law to Canadian space crews operating on the Moon or on the Lunar Gateway – a planned space station orbiting the Earth's satellite that the US plans to build in cooperation with other countries, including Canada. Apart from that, Canadian law will also apply to the astronauts' transit to the station and the Moon.
Right now, these areas of space exploration are essentially the "Wild West" where no laws officially apply.