
Attempted Terror Attack Against Russian Journalists Foiled in Berlin, Embassy Says

Moscow has already sent a note to the German Foreign Ministry demanding a it holds a proper investigation into the incident.
According to Russian diplomats, an object believed to be an improvised explosive device was found in a house where RIA journalists and their families are living. The device was mounted in a ventilation shaft, and included a fuel can and wires.
The Russian embassy noted that police are conducting a probe into the attempted attack.
At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the attack was caused by a smear campaign launched against Russian media by western countries. Following the incident in Berlin, Moscow urged Germany and other European nations to take measures to ensure the safety of Russian journalists.

"We demand that the authorities of Germany and other EU and NATO countries immediately take measures to protect Russian journalists and their family members in their territory. The German government is obliged to conduct a thorough investigation into this crime", an official statement read.

Meanwhile, German authorities said an investigation is underway and that the prosecution and security forces are looking into the issue. According to police, forensic specialists are at the scene, examining the alleged explosive device.