Dem Party Leaders, Pfizer, Moderna Involved in US Biological Activities in Ukraine: Russian MoD

The Russian military began reporting on the extent of US military biological activities in Ukraine in March, citing seized documents and other materials on the study of a range of potentially deadly bioweapon agents, including diseases which can be spread naturally using local geography, flora and fauna, and target certain ethnic groups.
Senior Democratic Party politicians are the chief "ideologists" of America's illegal operations in biolabs operating throughout Ukraine, and have involved major multinational biotech companies in their activities, Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia's Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defence Troops, has indicated.
Speaking at a briefing in Moscow on Wednesday and citing an MoD analysis of documentary evidence, the RCB Troops chief said the profits US politicians earn for the private biotech sector helps to pay for their re-election via campaign donations.
According to Kirillov, the US executive branch has also worked to create a "legislative framework to finance military biological research directly from the federal budget", and with funds of non-government organisations underwritten by the state and controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party, including charitable foundations affiliated with the Clinton family, the Rockerfellers, George Soros, and Hunter Biden.

Major global pharmaceutical companies have become involved in these shady "public-private" partnership schemes, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, and Pentagon-affiliated biotech firm Gilead, Kirillov said.

"US specialists are working [in Ukraine] on the testing of new medicines, bypassing international safety standards. As a result, Western companies seriously reduce the costs of research programmes and gain significant competitive advantages", the officer said.
Slide from Russian MoD presentation showing scheme of US biological activities in Ukraine. Center rectangle shows senior Democratic Party officials, listed as "ideologists" central to the programmes. Top left square shows "Organizers," including various US agencies and government departments. Bottom left square shows "Sponsors", including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and his investment fund, CRDF Global, the Rockerfeller Foundation, Ecohealth Alliance and Pilot Growth. Bottom right square shows Ukraine-based agencies and institutions, including the US Embassy and Pentagon contractors Black&Veatch, Metabiota, Skymount Medical and others. Top right square shows "Pharmaceutical Companies" that carry out research in Ukraine, including Pfizer, Battelle, Gilead, Dynport Vaccine, AbbVie, Parexel, Eli Lilly & Co., Merc and Moderna.

State Structures' Involvement

Ukrainian state structures are also involved in the US-funded and organised military biological activities in their country, Kirillov said, with Kiev's main job being "to conceal illegal activities, conduct field and clinical trials and provide the necessary biomaterial".
In 2020, Kirillov said, an attempt was made to infect the residents of the settlement of Stepovoye in the Lugansk People's Republic with a multi-drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis using counterfeit banknotes contaminated with the disease's causative agent and spread among local youth.
Excerpt From Lugansk People's Republic Ministry of Health report on the discovery of tuberculosis-spreading pathogenic organisms discovered by the republic's health services.
The full report can be downloaded here.
Additionally, the RCB Troops chief said that his agency has received information detailing the Pentagon's experiments on Ukrainian nationals at Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 in the village of Strelechie, Kharkov region, with the research targeting male patients aged 40-60 with a high stage of physical exhaustion, and overseen by a US national.
The Russian military operation in Ukraine has stopped the spread of US military activities in Ukraine, and halted these "criminal experiments" on its civilian population, Kirillov stressed.
In the case of the research taking place at the Kharkov mental hospital, Western specialists were evacuated in January 2022, and the equipment and pharmaceutical preparations involved relocated to western Ukraine, he said.
Polish specialists have also been working with Ukraine's biolabs, Kirillov said, citing documents detailing the work of the Polish Institute of Veterinary Medicine and the US' Battelle Memorial Institute - a Pentagon contractor - on research assessing epidemiological threats and the spread of the rabies virus in Ukraine.

"In addition, documentary evidence has been obtained about Poland's funding of Lvov Medical University, which includes a participant in US military biological projects - the Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene. Since 2002, this organisation has been implementing a retraining programme for specialists with experience working with dual-use materials and technologies", the officer said.

Excerpt from document detailing cooperation between the Polish Institute of Veterinary Medicine, The Battelle Memorial Institute and their Ukrainian counterparts in the study of rabies.
The complete document can be found here.
The German military has also been involved in research in Ukraine, Kirillov said, citing documents indicating that the Bundeswehr's Institute of Microbiology had taken some 3,500 blood serum samples from 25 Ukrainian regions back to Germany between 2016 and 2019. The officer said the Institute's as yet unidentified interest in these biomaterials "raises questions about the goals [being] pursued" by the German Armed Forces.
Excerpt from Ukrainian language document on cooperation between the Virological Reference Laboratory of the Public Health Center of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and Germany's Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine.
The complete, Ukrainian-language document can be found in RTF format here.
According to the MoD's information, along with the Munich-based Institute of Microbiology, the Berlin-based Robert Koch Institute, the Loffler Institute in Greifswald, and the Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine in Hamburg are also participating in biological research activities in Ukraine.
Screenshot of German military biological defence programme slide show presentation listing Ukraine as "partner nation."
The complete presentation can be downloaded here.

Mariupol Samples Partially Recovered

An RCB Troops investigation of samples from a veterinary laboratory in Mariupol has concluded that it also may have been involved in the broader US-led biological research activities, Kirillov said, pointing to the presence of pathogens uncharacteristic of veterinary diseases, such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and gas gangrene at the lab. Part of the lab's collection of samples was destroyed on 25 February, but due to the rush, some of it has been preserved intact, and is now being analysed by Russia.
"To ensure safety and safe storage, Russian specialists exported 124 strains and have organised their study", Kirillov said.
Excerpt From Ukrainian Ministry of Health document listing samples of microorganisms held at the Donetsk Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health in Mariupol.
The complete batch of documents can be found here.
The officer also revealed that Russian specialists have carried out work "directly in two biological laboratories in Mariupol", and that "evidence has been obtained of the emergency destruction of documents confirming their work with the US military. A preliminary analysis of the surviving documentation indicates that Mariupol was used as a regional centre for the collection and certification of the cholera pathogen", with the samples sent to the Centre for Public Health in Kiev, which transferred the materials on to the United States.
Kirillov stressed that the information that continues to be gathered and analysed by the Russian MoD casts doubt on assurances by US specialists that Ukraine does not have the capability to develop and produce bioweapons, and that the US itself has not "found" any evidence of biological weapons in Ukraine.

WMD Provocations Possible

The RCB Troops chief also indicated that Moscow has intelligence related to the preparation of possible provocations involving weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine to accuse the Russian military of using such arms along a "Syrian-style" scenario, in which the necessary evidence is fabricated and the "perpetrators" are appointed ahead of time.
Excerpt from March 2022 letter by Ukrainian EU Mission Head Vsevolod Chentsov requesting special protective equipment to protect against "Russian military forces" using "unconventional weapons against Ukrainian citizens."
One piece of evidence suggesting the high likelihood of such provocations taking place is Kiev's request in a letter to European Union officials for personal protective equipment that provides protection against toxic chemicals and biological agents, Kirillov said.
The supply of organophosphate toxicity medications to Ukraine is also a concern for the Russian military, the officer noted, pointing out that in the first months of 2022, over 220,000 ampoules of atropine, as well as medicines for treatment and disinfection following a chemical attack, have been delivered to Ukraine by the United States.
Letter from Mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko to "International Charity Organizations" dated 20 March 2022 requesting a range of equipment to protect against WMD attack.
Additionally, Kirillov said, 10 more drones equipped with 30-litre containers and spraying equipment were found in the town of Kakhovka, Kherson region in late April, on top of three others with similar equipment found in the Kherson region in March.
Kirillov's RCB Troops have spent over two months investigating and reporting on the US-sponsored military biological activities taking place at 30 separate facilities across Ukraine going back to at least 2005.
Western officials and media have largely dismissed the information provided as a "conspiracy theory", notwithstanding Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland's admission at a Senate hearing in March that "biological research facilities" do in fact exist in the Eastern European country and that the US was "working with" the Ukrainians to ensure that these materials "do not fall into the hands of Russian forces". Investigations by the few Western outlets that have conducted their own research have confirmed individual details of the Russian MoD's allegations - such as Hunter Biden's role in securing millions of dollars in funding for a US contractor working in Ukraine.