US Federal Judge Prolongs Order Blocking Title 42 Border Policy Rollback

A record number of asylum-seeking migrants have continued to arrive at the US southern border. In March, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement encountered more than 221,000 migrants at the border, breaking a 22-year monthly record, according to US Customs and Border Protection.
On Wednesday, a federal judge prolonged a temporary restraining order that prevents the administration of US President Joe Biden from rolling back the use of the Title 42 public health policy to expel migrants at the border.
Earlier, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it would end Title 42 at the end of May.
In turn, the Department of Homeland Security said there was a possibility of the arrival of 12,000 to 18,000 illegal migrants per day at the southern border after Title 42 policy is terminated.
Title 42 is a public health policy imposed by the Trump administration that has served as a tool to deter the influx of illegal immigrants coming to the United States, especially on the US southern border. The policy gives US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) the authority to immediately deny entry to undocumented asylum-seeking migrants at the US southern border as part of an effort to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus.