Doctors Remove 206 Kidney Stones From 56-Year-Old Man

The kidneys, one of the most vital of the body's vital organs, play a big role by filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood and maintaining one's blood pressure. It's estimated that 10 percent of the people in the world undergo kidney stone surgery once in their life.
The renal care facility in India's city Hyderabad has said that surgeons removed 206 kidney stones via keyhole surgery on a 56-year-old patient this week.
Dr Veeramalla Ramalakshmaiah, a senior doctor at Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital, who performed the surgery, said the patient had severe pain in the left side of his stomach for the past six months and was unable to perform his daily routine because of the agony which had been exacerbated by the rising temperatures as summer approaches.
According to Dr Poola Naveen Kumar, Senior Consultant Urologist at the hospital, the patient was counselled and prepped for keyhole surgery that lasted an hour, "during which all multiple left renal calculi (kidney stones on the left side) were removed - 206 in number".
"After the procedure, the patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital on the second day," Dr Kumar said.
206 kidney stone
Explaining why the pain was worsened during the summer, Dr Kumar said: "Dry, warm and humid weather boosts kidney stone pain as we tend to keep ourselves dehydrated and we're physically more active."
Globally, kidney stone cases have become increasingly prevalent in summers than in winter, Dr Kumar noted.
In 2010, doctors from the Indian state of Maharashtra removed 172,155 kidney stones from the left kidney of a man - the highest number of stones removed from an individual.