Singapore Decides to Tackle Water Shortage With... Beer Made From Urine

Water is an essential ingredient in making beer. Depending on its style, beer may consist of up to 95 percent water, and it may take seven gallons of water to produce one gallon of beer. Those worried about wasting too much water for brewing have come up with a rather audacious way of solving the problem.
Singapore's water agency suggested a new craft beer that is made mostly of wastewater in order to address water shortage concerns, according to The Independent.
NEWBrew is a tropical blonde ale that is claimed to have a “toasted, honey-like aftertaste”, even though before brewing it consists of urine and sewage water. Naturally, the wastewater is made "ultra-clean" before it makes its way into your pint.
And it seems that beer lovers are perfectly fine with the new drink.
“It definitely goes down smooth,” one of the drinkers told the BBC. “I could probably, if I wanted to, drink a whole lot of those.”
Singapore already recycles wastewater in order to preserve valuable clean water supplies, using what it calls "NEWater" largely for industrial purposes and air-conditioning. During dry periods, the recycled water is added to reservoirs and then gets cleaned to be used as tap water later.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has estimated that Southeast Asia is likely to face severe consequences of the climate crisis, with its March report highlighting not only the possibility of water shortages, but also the rise of sea level, potential threats to food security and loss of ecosystem.